
Cube Larimar

New collection of the rare Larimar mineral. This time we were offered a batch of Larimar cubes in the range 6-8 mm. This limited batch is converted immediately in this new bracelet creation.

diAngelo Jewelry is a famous high fashion Italian Brand. diAngelo Jewelry stands for Handmade luxurious gemstones Jewelry For Men And Women. Created by a Rome based Dutch Italian Jewel Artist.

diAngelo Jewelry expresses a lifestyle that has it origins in the concept of “Ancient Rome” and “Mediterranean Culture”. They are a source of inspiration for the development of the new collections. diAngelo Jewelry focuses on Made in Italy, Mediterranean spirit, Design and Harmony, Comfort, Color and Craftsmanship.

diAngelo Jewelry, a brand with a clear vision: to be the most recognizable, colored and dynamic Jewelry brand. Amazing Exceptional Gemstones Bracelets. The real Made in Italy. Trusted by thousands from all around the world.

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